Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bar chart of date production

This bar chart shows ten countries producing dates and their yearly production in tonnes for 2001.
The top three producers are Egypt, Iran and the UAE but Egypt is the only country that produces above 1 million tonnes. The second highest country is Iran at nearly 900,000 tonnes. The next country is the UAE at below 800,000 but the difference between them is slight. Oman is a fifth as much as Egypt but Oman is twice Libya. Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are more than 600,000. Algeria and Oman are above 200,000 tonnes.The least productive countries are Libya and Sudan which produced around 400,000 tonnes in total.
All in all, we can see that the highest production is from Egypt. There are six countries that produce more than 500,000.The smallest producer is Libya. The total tonnes of all these countries was around 6,400,000.      

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