Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Smoking nowadays has become not acceptable from the people but in the past the smoking was everywhere. I am going to write an argument easy about smoking.
The first point I would like to make is that smoking helps people to think and relax. Smoking is harmful although people can choose if they like to smoke or not; for example buying tobacco is a free choice. Smoking outside on the road or in the park is free; nobody can punish smokers here; for example governments don’t ban smoking there and people can use their money as they like. Many people like to smoke in their home or in the car so they can do what they like and they feel that the world is in their hands.
There are several arguments against the smoking. Firstly, there must be places for smoking away from nonsmoking people; for example at restaurants you can’t eat if someone is smoking. Secondly, governments must increase the price of the cigarettes, cigars and tobacco but still it is freedom to buy it or not. Thirdly, smoking can affect you because medical evidence shows that smoking is linked to lung cancer, heart disease and respiratory difficulties. Finally, smoking also affects your family indirectly because they breathe the smoke as the smoker does.
It is important to respect nonsmokers so there should be places that smokers can smoke without affecting people around them. But it is important to presence the freedom of people to smoke if they so choose and to spend their own money as they wish.

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