Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Using mobile phone in class room

The mobile phones are important for everyone nowadays but if you use them during class it can take your attention. I am going to write an argument essay about using mobiles in class.
The first point I would like to make is that using mobile phones helps people to gain money from it; also they can chat with their friends. They can use their mobiles to receive calls from their family or if someone needs help. Using mobiles anywhere, in college, on the roads, at home and in the park is free and you can concentrate on your call. The second point is that mobile phones should be silent but it is respectful for teachers and students. Noise can affect people but they can switch off their mobile phones.
 There are several arguments against using mobile phones in the class. Firstly, there must be a reason to use the mobile in class in case of emergency, for example accident and fire. The mobile must not be with the student in the class because they can’t concentrate with the teacher. They can keep their mobile anywhere out of class for example in the car and locker room.
All in all, I think that mobile phones must be banned in the class room. The student must follow the teacher when he is teaching them. There must be locker room for the mobile so that the student keeps his mobile there.         

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